Regenerative Therapies

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) therapy uses a patient’s own blood cells to increase the concentration of specific bioproteins and hormones (called growth factors) in a specific area to accelerate the healing process. Since PRP & PRF treatments use a patient’s own blood tissues, injections are safe and can be administered alone or used in conjunction with other therapeutics.

Extracellular Vesicles (EVs), s
ometimes referred to as Exosomes, are nanoparticle molecules isolated from mesenchymal stem cells or amniotic fluid through minimal manipulation processing, maintaining their bioactive potential in high concentrations. EVs can be used topically, injected under the skin or into joints, or infused intravenously to modulate immune response, reduce inflammation, promote mitochondrial health, promote tissue and hair regeneration, and ultimately aid in the restoration of cell and tissue homeostasis. EV components are obtained from volunteers through a lengthy physical and psychological screening process. 

PRP and EVs treats acute and chronic joint pain (related to injury or degeneration), and accelerates the repair of injured ligaments, muscles, tendons, and cartilage. They also treat mild to moderate joint arthritis.

PRP, PRF, AF & EVs can help prevent hair loss while stimulating hair regrowth for men and women.

PRP & EV Vaginal Rejeuvenation treats:
-female incontinence
-sexual arousal & orgasmic disorders
-painful intercourse
-vaginal dryness
-increases genital sensitivity
-and enhances orgasm

PRP Labia-Lift rejuvenates the labia and "lifts" them back to the natural shape of that individual woman's younger self.


Call for pricing and to schedule a consultation or treatment.
Some treatments may be done in the comfort of your home, please ask when scheduling.

PRP Vaginal & Labial Rejuvenation for Women

Vaginal, labial, and clitoral rejuvenation for the treatment of incontinence, female sexual arousal & orgasmic disorders, painful intercourse,  and vaginal dryness while also enhancing sexual sensation & functioning.

Platelet injections trigger the release of seven different growth factors activating unipotent stem cells located in vaginal and clitoral tissues, regenerating and improving your functional potential.

Most women benefit from 1-2 initial treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart follow by an annual rejuvenation treatment.

Hair Restoration

PRP or mesenchymal stem cell components are applied to the scalp via micro-needling and/or by small needle injections to prevent hair loss and stimulate new hair growth.

Most patients benefit from 3-6 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart.

Click here for before & after photos

BEST RESULTS are achieved when treatments are combined with home scalp maintenance, a healthy diet, hormone balancing, and peptide therapy. Recommend using the Cellustrious® home maintenance topical peptide kit for fastest results.

Facial & Skin Rejuvenation

Regenerative facials and skin treatments:
-minimize acne scars or other types of scars
-treat crow’s feet 
-enhance skin tone/texture/quality
-reduce fine lines and blemishes
-replace volume loss
-increase collagen
-reduce sun damage
-improve skin elasticity

Patient's PRP blood derived growth factors or mesenchymal stem cell components are applied to the face (or other body areas) using micro-needling to stimulate new cell growth and collagen production.

PRP/PRF or mesenchymal stem cell components can also be injected into the fine lines and wrinkles for deeper dermal stimulation of collagen production.

Joint Repair

PRP and mesenchymal stem cell component joint injections treat acute and chronic soft-tissue injuries, osteoarthritis, as well as joint pain. 

reatment duration varies based on the severity and chronicity of injury and individual patient response. Many patients experience 70-80% improvement after just one treatment.*

We recommend treatment every 4 weeks until healed or function is restored. 

*Requires some down-time and limited activity for best outcomes.

IV Exosome Infusion

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